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Narcissu 10th Anniversary Soundtrack Download For Pc Highly Compressed


Updated: Mar 22, 2020

About This Content After 10 years, the definitive collection of Narcissu's heart-rending musical score is finally here!Longtime fans of the Narcissu series have praised the powerful use of music and emotions as one of the finest in its genre, and now the complete soundtrack is available on Steam! This edition collects the familiar music used in Narcissu 1st and 2nd, as well as the incredible new additions from the 10th Anniversary.As well as the instrumental score, this edition also featuress a massive 10 full vocal songs alongside the 36 BGM tracks. Last but not least, this soundtrack includes the all new tracks from industry legends Chris Huelsbeck (Turrican, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron) and Hiroki Kikuta (Secret of Mana, Koudelka).10 years in the making, Narcissu's audio journey is now complete and available on Steam!Tracklist: (Bold text denotes vocal tracksDisc 101:スカーレット -arr- = Scarlet -arranged- 02:dear friend = dear friend03:15cm = 15cm 04:すみれより:あかりのテーマ = Akari's Theme (From Sumire)05:南向きの窓 = Southern-facing Window 06:サクラ(120円の春より) = Sakura (from 120yen Spring)07:曇りの心 = Clouded Heart 08:光降るなら = If light rains09:朝の景色 = Morning Scene 10:ここにいる = I'm Here 11:ロードスター = Roadster12:ねこ王国の姫/WHITEより = Princess of the Cat Kingdom 13:銀色より = From Gin'iro14:陽子のテーマ = Youko's Theme15:悲しき調べ = Sorrowful Investigation 16:ラムネ79's = Ramune 79's17:週末の過ごし方 = How to Pass a Weekend 18:ナルキッソス-inst2- = Narcissus 19:切なる想い = Sincere Feelings 20:半分の魔法 = Half of Magic21:夕化粧 アレンジver = Preparing For Night Disc 201:エメラルドの海 = Emerald Sea 02:Narcissu~セツミのテーマ~ = Narcissu ~Setsumi's Theme~ 03:銀のクーペ = Silver Coupe 04:7F = 7F 05:夕立雲 = Rain Cloud 06:Liaison = Liaison 07:誰が為に = For Someone's Sake 08:秘めた希望 = Hidden Hope 09:120円の冬より = From 120yen of Autumn 10:姫子のテーマ = Himeko's Theme 11:10:ここにいる = I'm Here 12:長い影 = Long Shadows 13:Sleeping pretend(すみれより) = Sleeping Pretend (From Sumire) 14:憂いと麗し = Sorrow and Beauty 15:鳴る高架線 2007 = Ringing Railway16:ナルキッソス-inst- = Narcissus -inst- 17:寂しき旋律 = Lonely Melody 18:ラムネ79's ver2 = Ramune 79's ver 219:飲み込む嘘 = Accepted Lies 20:ナルキッソス = Narcissus 21:一号線 = Route 1 22:雨のマージナル = Ame no Marginal 23:静かな時間 = Quiet Time 24:移り行く季節 = The Changing Seasons 25:耐える冬 = A Winter of EnduringTotal play time: 2hr 20minFormat: FLAC Lossless Audio 6d5b4406ea Title: Narcissu 10th Anniversary SoundtrackGenre: Casual, IndieDeveloper:stage-nanaRelease Date: 1 May, 2017 Narcissu 10th Anniversary Soundtrack Download For Pc Highly Compressed narcissu 10th anniversary soundtrack rar. narcissu 10th anniversary soundtrack rar. narcissu 10th anniversary soundtrack. narcissu 10th anniversary soundtrack Very nice OST. 46 tracks in FLAC format.. The music of this series is astonishingly good!. The music of this series is astonishingly good!. Very nice OST. 46 tracks in FLAC format.. Very nice OST. 46 tracks in FLAC format.. The music of this series is astonishingly good!. Excellent soundtrack.Since the official release didn't include cover art for the tracks, I decided to make my own using the promo image. It's nothing special, just a few minutes of work in Photoshop, but you can download it for yourself and all the varients I made here .. Excellent soundtrack.Since the official release didn't include cover art for the tracks, I decided to make my own using the promo image. It's nothing special, just a few minutes of work in Photoshop, but you can download it for yourself and all the varients I made here .. Excellent soundtrack.Since the official release didn't include cover art for the tracks, I decided to make my own using the promo image. It's nothing special, just a few minutes of work in Photoshop, but you can download it for yourself and all the varients I made here .


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